Monday, December 05, 2005


I once had a dream wherein I had great, neatly delineated sections of flesh flensed off the back of my hand, and underneath was a bony shell, rather than an intricate network of tendons and nerves and veins. On this bony shell were Don Martin cartoons. They were set in as though the bones had developed with the cartoons forming along with them. While I'm a huge fan of Don Martin's work, this was a deeply disturbing dream for some reason.


Blogger Don said...

One could write a hell of a blog just reporting weird and terrible dreams about dead cartoonists. I wish I remembered my dreams. But I don't. It's as if I don't dream anymore. As I have no more dreams. Well, duh! I labor in the belly of a vast American corporation whose iron wheels have ground them out of me!

12:31 PM  
Blogger Harry said...

"I labor in the belly of a vast American corporation whose iron wheels have ground them out of me!"

Have you been reading Sinclair Lewis again? What a brutal scenario. Still, you managed to crank out 50,000 words for a novel. So, you must have dreams somewhere, they just don't come out at night.

I have them all the time, I just rarely remember them. This one has stayed with me, though. Very strange and terrible at the time.

1:27 PM  
Blogger Harry said...

Either that, or I'm actually Fester Bestertester and I just haven't figured that out yet.

9:50 PM  
Blogger Deadman said...

this was a deeply disturbing dream for some reason

For some reason???? LOL For a lot of reasons, I'd say!

But Don Martin rocks.

4:34 AM  

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