Just Cut it Loose
Just put it in the stream, like a dried oak leaf. Set it gently there and let it ride the current . . . away from you in its own good time, or back toward you if it wishes to stay. .
It came from a tree that stood tall and produced vast quantities of acorns. Now the tree is older, and its acorns are dropping thinly upon the ground. It's branches no longer heavy with leaves in ways that beggar belief.
Stop trying. There's nothing to be done. Mother Nature and Father Time have taken over. All you can do is enjoy the shade in the summer and admire the strength when the storms blow through. Maybe if fortune smiles, it'll grow new leaves. It's roots are deep and that's your hope. They are deeper than even you realize. Let the roots do their job. Yes, it's frustrating that you can't see them, but they are well down there drawing sustenance from the earth. Trust. Even when doubt arises, trust.
This sounds allegorical in a big way ....
It was. Decidedly.
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